Welcome home.

“Even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea.”

Sylvia Earle

Welcome to the Marine Biology Landing page! Check out our faculty and current projects.

Official FIU Page

To explore class requirements, please look at the program of study (updated Fall and Spring) found on the official FIU page under Program & Resources

Our Faculty

If interested in volunteering with a lab please explore which faculty member your interests line up with and then reach out to them to ask if they have space

Projects and Opportunities

FIU in the Media

Photo by Jeremy Bishop, from Pexels.

Connect with FIU Marine Biology!

Field Work Photos

We are dedicated to providing students with a diverse breadth of knowledge and hands-on experience to equip them for a variety of career paths .

→ Undergraduate degrees

Get a BS in Marine Biology. Majors and Minors available.

→ Graduate Opportunities

Faculty in the departments of Biological SciencesChemistry and Biochemistry and Earth and Environment support graduate students focusing on marine science. .

→ Continued Education

Outside of our formal degree programs, FIU offers a number of research and courses that are open to the public.

Visit the Medina Aquarius Program’s Advanced Training page to find diving-related courses.


Follow your dreams of Marine Science

Our Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology gives students a strong foundation in structural and evolutionary developmental biology, physiology, organismal diversity, physical oceanography and ecology. 

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